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Abcor Labour Law &

Human Resource Services

We are fully integrated experts in Human Resources and Industrial Relations, with add on value of CCMA, Labour Court and other forum representation.

About Abcor Labour Law

We would like to thank you for the opportunity, appreciation and interest you put in our company and services.


We are a fully integrated experts in HR and IR, herewith we offer you not only excellent  recruitment but also training, Human Resource and Industrial relation with add on value of CCMA, Labour Court  and other forum [bargaining councils] representation.

We would like to approach the HR/IR accordingly:

  • HR audit and advice;
  • HR procedures and directives;
  • IR procedures and update;
  • IR assistance, facilitation in all processes;
  • 24 Hours assistance and development;
  • Compliance with the workplace law;

Our Services

Full Payroll, HR & IR
Chairing disciplinary enquiries
Telephone advise on labour issues
Assistance to strikes, retrenchments and other related matters, etc.
CCMA/Bargaining Council representation
Telephone advise on labour issues
Labour Court representation
General Legal advice
Polygraph Tests
Formal Investigations
COID Letter of good standing

In short, what is HR and IR, human resource is the development and managing principles of the employee in the workplace with job description, appraisals and enormous amount utilities for the employer to ensure productivity and compliance. IR [industrial relations] is the process in which you will manage the workforce in the workplace, union negotiations, disciplinary enquiries, performance measures, absenteeism, strikes, contract of employment and conflict management etc.

We are able to assist you within the workplace with the relevant issues to your need. Cost effectively and effective staff management processes, policies and employment relations.

We trust that you find a solid solution from our Company and service excellence.

We hope to be of service to you.


Cape Town Office

Head Office
Senior Arbitration & Litigation H.o.D.
Human Resource, Industrial Relations, Recruitment & Training Advisor

  • 066 285 4642
  • P.A. to CEO 084 864 8164

Branches/Consultants in:  Pretoria, North West, Durban, George, Port Elizabeth, Helderberg (Stellenbosch, Strand and Somerset West), and The Greater Cape Town (West Coast included).

Get in touch

Please complete the following form and a company representative will contact you.